Why Learn Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy?

Increasingly, we are seeing children with great health problems. You may find some of your most rewarding work done with little ones who can experience positive differences for the rest of their lives because of what they have experienced with QEST.

Not just for children, but for adults:  Greater immune response, improved energy, enhanced mental clarity and emotional stability, and prevention of problems—these are results which you can never promise or guarantee, but can reasonably expect.

Since 1977, we have seen hundreds of people's lives changed to varying degrees. In some cases, the changes were not as immediate or as great as we would have preferred. In many, many clients, the improvements exceeded even our most hopeful expectations. There are many dramatic health changes which we will recount to you as we work together. Other people’s changes haven’t been so dramatic, but all changes are welcome and valuable for improving quality of life.


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