Fulfillment for You as a QEST Practitioner

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."  ~-William James

You can also expect joys beyond description as you begin working with clients, some of whom will experience life-changing results. You will be in awe, knowing that you have been an instrument in that healing. You will be humbled, knowing that you did not "do" the healing, but that what you will have learned will have assisted that person in getting back "on track" toward wholeness.

You will be amazed at the healing powers of the human body to right itself, given the proper nudge. Why your help should even be necessary is somewhat of a puzzle. Surely, bodies should be able to self-heal without QEST! Yet day after day, year in, year out, people who need help present themselves to QEST practitioners.

It would seem that if people are highly spiritual, closely aligned with their Source, that they should not need QEST. Perhaps some don't. However, we've never met anyone who couldn't greatly benefit from "this work".   See:  http://www.QuantumEnergeticsHealing.com/testimonials.asp  

Everyone has an individual life path. For some who are closed to things that aren’t “scientifically proven” (don’t expect QEST to be “scientifically proven”!) this work may not be a “fit”. However, based on years of experience, we believe that this modality can benefit everyone.


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