Advantages of Learning to Do Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are living in a time of changing paradigms with respect to medicine and how we take care of our health.  Americans lead the world in money spent per capita for medical care and in the rate of chronic degenerative diseases.  With the tremendous increase in interest in complementary medicine and natural therapies, and with the emergence of more and more maladies non-responsive to a magic pill, the timing couldn’t be better for learning this leading-edge system of healing - Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy.   

Now that we find ourselves in a time of economic turmoil and uncertainty, it seems more important than ever for more people to learn to do Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy and be in a position to really help their families, friends, and clients. 

A nice thing about our work is that in order to do it, we’re not dependent on electricity (other than a battery-run kitchen timer…and even that could be dispensed with if necessary!), gadgets, machinery, computer programs, or even supplements (although we recognize the value of supplements and advocate use of such.)  Doing QEST doesn’t take any special ability other than desire and the willingness to learn and practice. 

Also, as QEST Practitioners, you’ll be getting your own clients but you won’t have to worry about being fired or “laid off”.   And your job won't be sent to China or India.


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