QE and a Card Table Analogy

His arms were waving in the air, his face was red, and his voice was filled with agitation. "My wife has had your work done for all this time and still has problems. That's not a very sterling endorsement for your work.” His wife had asked me to explain Quantum Energetics*, and I waited for him to finish. Then I proceeded like this:

“You're right. If QE were the only thing involved in a person’s health, you'd be right. However, there's more to health than what can be addressed by QE alone."

I continued: "Our bodies are like card tables! We could have three legs fastened solidly. Then let's say that one leg was a little loose. If we put a heavy stack of books on that corner of the table, the whole table could go crashing down!

Now for the sake of analogy, let's say that one leg of the table represents nutrition. Ingestibles. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals we need— and may not get. Perhaps the ones we do get are "faulty". Injesting denatured food would be a bit like your being asked to build a new deck onto a friend's house. "The lumber is there piled beside the house," you're told. When you arrive, you find that some of the boards are rotten, some are too short, and altogether, there aren't enough! Furthermore, some of the screws you're to use are defective, and the power supply to "run" your electric drill for putting the deck together is intermittent. Well, you can imagine what kind of deck you're going to build for your friend!

This leg of the table also includes toxins we certainly don't need, but may ingest or be exposed to in our environment.

The second leg could represent the energetic blueprint for the body and restoration of that pattern through energy work.  Let's say that this energy work is Quantum Energetics. The body has various energy blockages and disruptions, which seem to be in effect until some something (QE) comes along to remind the body of what it needs to do. It seems that this reminder or boost shouldn't be necessary, but QE Practitioners see people every day whose bodies seem to have forgotten how to take care of a given situation or to work optimally. Their cellular memory seems to perpetuate the status quo. The good news is that their body's energy blueprint can often be "righted" with Quantum Energetics. QE can be a highly effective catalyst to stimulate healing.

The third leg represents emotional, mental beliefs, and spiritual aspects of the person. This really isn't separate from what happens in the body— everything is integrally tied together. However, for the sake of example, let’s look at an illustration of how emotions affect the body. Just as a particle of asbestos lodged in a tiny crevice in the lung can cause cancer, so can grief lodged in the body initiate cancer. Another example: Lack of love stunts us emotionally and can even stop physical growth in children.

Let's say that the last leg stands for rest, exercise, fun, stress reducing, health-promoting practices. Or the lack of them. We'll throw genetics in this miscellaneous category as well. Physically, we're not born equal!

For health, for the table to be solid, we need to address all of these aspects. QE is very powerful, and it is just one of the four legs of the table! It can enhance the functioning of the other legs, but it can't replace them.”

I went on to explain more about Quantum Energetics and results we've seen with it, over the years. When I finished, a bit of light began to dawn in this guy's eyes. He calmly said "Well, I guess there are some things that work that I just don't understand." (I loaned him my copy of Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D. hoping to help him understand this "energy stuff".)

The card table analogy is limited, but it's been a good visual to explain health--or the lack or it. It can help you to know that while QE cannot do everything for you, it can be a very valuable part of your quest for health. It is a valuable leg of your table. I’m joining your team and you need to be attentive to other “legs”.

Please refer to www.QuantumEnergeticsHealing.com (“What Clients Say”) for some descriptions of benefits people have received with Quantum Energetics.


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